Tuesday, December 28, 2021

"Do My Bidding You Loathsome Fiends, Lest I Blast You Into Smithereens!"

Also known as "DMBYLF, LIBYIS!"

"I am an All Powerful Wizard possessing Untold Eldritch Capabilities and Knowledge That Which Man Was Not Meant to Comprehend! Naturally I am exceptionally busy dealing with Conundrums and Catastrophes beyond any Mortal Ken, but sadly, these mundane realms are full of irritations, intimations, and irrigations. For these, I have amassed a coterie of highly trained and capable agents, enacting my will in all manner of courts and caverns far, far from my lofty, yet exceedingly comfortable, Wizard Tower."

"Unfortunately, my lofty perceptiveness has failed to account for a minor assortment of quibbles, foibles and dribbles, simply due to how boring and simplistic they all are. Luckily, I have my misKellaneous array of bound demons, familiars, sentient spells, sundry intelligent magical items, and utterly useless apprentices to sort out things in the Kingdom of Whatever. So... what are you all waiting for? Get out of here, you filthy mongrels! Do My Bidding You Loathsome Fiends, Lest I Blast You Into Smithereens!"

Sunday, October 3, 2021

Die Trying

Name: Joan Cynewulf

Ancestry: Ghoul (Never die from starvation, just go steadily mad. Cannibal)

STR: 14
DEX: 10
CON: 5
INT: 8
WIS: 9
CHA: 10

Before you became an adventurer you...
* Found a unique way to move: Double Jump - Jump a second time each leap, but you need to have your feet firmly on the ground to do it again
* Had a calling as a Priest - When you bury a body and perform a funeral rite over it, that body cannot rise from the dead
* Dabbled in obscure arcana: Third Eye - If you restrict, limit, or purify one of your senses, you can grant supernatural effectiveness to a different sense

- Splint mail
- Chainmail coat
- Hand-drill
- Supplies, 3
- Torches, 3