Sunday, July 4, 2021

Station H81 - "The Lost Property"


Welcome to Station H81 traveller! Also known as "The Lost Property", and famous for some of the best views in the solar system. Please read the following info-packet carefully, hard copies are also available at all station-side retail outlets for a small fee. What you don't know can, and often will, hurt you. This document is sponsored by the Jovian Confederation Representatives, and the Gracyl-Main Manufacturing Consortium. Remember, we're always watching!

SH81 was built by the Amalthean Mining Corporation several decades ago. The eventual purported bankruptcy of the host company and the incredibly complex legal proceedings has placed it's legal status in permanent limbo*. It now acts as a free-trade zone and disputed territory in the Jupiter system, with multiple unanswerable questions regarding ownership and corporate status. This status is explicitly not non-contraindicated by official Jovian Confed sources. Make sure to check the info-page of your local governing body before engaging in any commercial activities aboard SH81.

Amalthea is the 5th largest moon of Jupiter, and the 3rd orbiting from the centre. It has no permanent civilian habitation facilities.

*How this multi-billion credit station ended up with the permanent status of being "lost property" is the subject of a number of detailed intra-system commercial and legal investigations. If you think you can figure it out, let us know in the comments!