Things to Kill
- It's In The Name: Slay a dragon
- David: Kill a giant using a sling
- Taste of your Own Medicine: Turn a basilisk, a cockatrice or a medusa into stone
- Armaments 2:9-21: Kill a monster with a holy weapon
- That Still Only Counts As One: Kill a large monster by yourself
- Diplomancy: Turn an enemy over to your side and have them kill their former ally
- Who You Gonna Call?: Kill a supernatural creature or spirit
- Go For The Hat!: Kill a wizard
- Vengeance!: Kill an enemy that has previously slain a character
- Blitz: Kill a boss in a single round
- If It Bleeds: Kill a bonafide god or major demon
- If Only There Was Another Way!: Kill another character while mind-control is involved
- Murderer: Kill another character
Things to Eat
- The Other White Meat: Eat a sentient enemy
- The Other Other White Meat: Eat a friend
- Gormandiser: Cook a delightful meal out of a dead monster while in a dungeon
- Not Very Efficient: Eat one of your own body parts
- Priorities: Choose food over treasure
- Tingling Sensation: Eat a magic item
- Thirst Quencher: Drink three potions at the same time
- A Bit Gritty: Consume an enemy made of bone, stone or glass
Things to Do
- Also In The Name: Clear an entire dungeon
- Yes Man: Ally with two opposing factions
- False Dawn: Set off a colossal explosion
- Knightly: Rescue royalty from certain death
- Social Climber: Become a member of the nobility (Heavy Is The Head Bonus, reach royal status)
- Sticky Fingers: Pull off any plan or scheme that involves glue
- When All You Have is a Torch: Solve a problem using arson
- "Are we the baddies?": Commit a war crime
- We're on a Mission From God: Begin a divinely ordained quest
- Objection!: Win a legal case
- Never Leave Home Without It: Discover three uses for alcohol
- Be The Change: Lead a revolution
- Default, the Two Greatest Words: Play a human swordsman
- Discretion Is The Better Part Of Valour: Run Away
Stuff to Acquire
- Absolute Comfort: Wear custom-made armour
- Fine Print: Make a deal with a devil
- X Marks the Spot: Uncover treasure marked on a map
- Trial and Error: Use an unidentified magic item
- "Alas, Poor [name here]!": Carry the skull of an ally
- Heisenberg: Mass-produce a potion
- Landlord: Own a building
- The 1%: Run a business
- Family First: Start a cult
- Same Hat!: The whole party are members of the same larger organisation
- Chiselled Jawline: Have a statue raised in your image
- Humming Along: Have a song dedicated to you
- Unlimited POWER: Learn a legendary spell, and cast it immediately
- The Friends We Made Along The Way: Create a horrible monstrous creature out of parts (Metaphorical Bonus, using parts of former allies)
Places to Go
- Home Sweet Home: Return to the family home of a character
- Broadening the Mind: Reach another continent
- Beach Holiday!: Get shipwrecked
- I Can See My House From Here: Be the first to reach the summit of the largest mountain
- One Small Step: Go to space
- Not in Kansas Anymore: Travel beyond this realm
- Wibbly Wobbly, Timey Wimey: Travel backwards or forwards in time
- Hey There Hot Stuff: Jump into an active volcano or other location containing molten rock
- Under The Sea: Reach the bottom of the middle of an ocean
- The Pointy Bit: Travel to the North or South Pole
- Can You Imagine If We Walked All This Way?: Use a fast-travel system
- Drums in the Deep: Reach the lowest floor of a megadungeon
- Can Anyone Smell Burning?: Travel to Hell
Things to Deal With
- The Flesh: Gain five mutations, or break the party record for most mutations
- Radioactive Soul: Gain five curses, or break the party record for most curses
- Canary: Cause the death of three henchmen, or break the party record for dead henchmen
- Whoops!: Destroy an item necessary for a quest
- She Turned Me Into A Newt: Experience a polymorph
- Naked and Alone: Find yourself in a situation without armour, weapons or allies
- 'Tis But a Scratch: Suffer a major injury and survive
- A Farewell To Arms: Willingly remove a limb
- We Spared No Expense: Go broke
- Born Under A Lucky Star: Survive the death of your whole party
- That's Probably Fine: Release an ancient unspeakable evil
- Not Today: Save the entire party from certain death by yourself
- And Stay Out!: Defend a location against a marauding horde
- "What seems to be the officer problem?": Get arrested
- Well, It Could Be Worse: The entire party is permanently charmed or mind-controlled
Ways To Die
- Ozymandias: Have a maximum level character die
- Trapfinder General: Die to a trap
- You Shall Not Pass: Sacrifice yourself, so that the rest of your party may escape
- I Volunteer As Tribute: Instead of a random party member dying, offer yourself
- Blue! No, Yello-AUUUUUUUUGH: Die from a puzzle
- Gobbed On: Die from a standard enemy, typically a goblin
- Ignominious: Die from rats, starvation, or disease
- Vertigo: Die from falling from a great height
- Glug Glug Glug: Die from drowning (Thallasophobia Bonus, while grappled or trapped)
- That's Gotta Sting: Die from your own weapon
- Anticlimax: Die during the final showdown with your nemesis
- Don't Feed The Wildlife: Get eaten alive
- For The Greater Good: Get sacrificed as part of a vile ritual
- Speedrun: Die during character creation
- JENKINS: Lead the charge directly into a TPK
- Half-Open Casket?: Die in a way that completely destroys your body
- Chip Off the Ol' Block: Suffer the same fate as another character earlier on
- Third Time's The Charm: Have two characters die from the same thing
- A Bit Of Class: Get assassinated
- Depart This Vale Of Tears: Die of old age
- The Black Wind Howls: Correctly predict an ally's death
- Unfinished Business: Die, and come back as a ghost
- Rude Awakening: Get resurrected
- Either Die a Hero: Become an NPC villain
- Watch And Learn, Kids: Have a character die after bringing them out of retirement
- I Have No Mouth: Make your character completely unplayable, without dying
- Friends In Low Places: Die, and then go to Hell
- Can I Have a New Player?: Get caught cheating, and have your character die because of it
- The Void: Don't just get killed, get obliterated, body and soul. (Method Actor Bonus, ceremonially destroy the character sheet)